I've not said much on the whole Sarah Palin phenomenon since her pick and their loss in the 2008 election. I suppose there may be much to discuss had I much care in her future career or prospects at this point. In my mind, she has no real prospects other than making a bundle. I know many want to try and find out but I can tell you, should she somehow become President, it is entirely due to the shallow thinking of the American people (which could help explain our current predicament.) Of course, because some think she may run, there is a lot of discussion over her new book. And in one of the few times over the years, I have found myself disagreeing with Ann Althouse (one of my all time favorite bloggers!) In response to this quote by Rod Dreher:
Alas, for conservatives in search of a champion, there's nothing in Going Rogue to challenge that conclusion. It's like this: Palin spends seven pages dishing about her appearance on Saturday Night Live, but just over one page discussing her national security views....
... Palin's economic program amounts to nothing more than tax-cutting, deregulating, and the endless repetition of shopworn GOP talking points.
This is the Republican Party's great populist hope?
Sarah Palin is selling a personality, not a platform. That's not dumb. She's doing the best she can with what she has to work with. She quotes her father's line upon her resignation this summer as Alaska's governor: "Sarah's not retreating, she's reloading." On evidence of this book, Sarah Palin is charging toward 2012 shooting blanks.
Ann then responds:
When reviewing a book, you should ask whether the book achieves what it set out to do. Dreher posits some goal other than the one Palin chose and slams her for not meeting it. She chose to write a personal memoir: What life feels like for Sarah Palin. So it's her "Dreams From My Father." The book Dreher aches for would be her "Audacity of Hope." Presumably, she is — her people are — working on that second book, and it will be fully fleshed out with exactly the conservative policy details that Sarah Palin needs for a presidential run.
Dreher admits that her choice to "sell[] a personality, not a platform" is "not dumb." But he leaps to the conclusion that her personality is "what [all?] she has to work with." That's not necessarily the case, and even if it is, with the infusion of great policy advisors, we will never know that she didn't come "loaded" with policy details.
You can't "charge" toward 2012. It's 3 years away, and it will take 3 years to get here. There's no great need to load up on much policy. What did Obama have in 2005? She is creating and extending her aura. She's following the Obama template. "Shooting blanks" — thanks for the gun imagery, but what the hell was Obama "shooting"?
I bolded the really interesting part. Perhaps this was why Ann got suckered into voting for Obama, but I am personally tired of politicians long on rhetoric and short on the details. Look, I was attracted to Palin early on, in words and personality. She sold a good set of ideas on the surface. And I waited for the particulars that came with that. I am still waiting. Much like, I imagine, many Democrats are for that closing of Guantanamo Bay President Obama promised in January. Guess what? Latest news says not until at least 2010. It's one among many thing he promised during his run that still has not actually occurred. Once again...still waiting for that change. Hoping for it, at least.
While I can certainly agree that Dreher is not the best person to give "the" conservative view of Palin's book, he is one of many (a self professed "crunchy con" should not be considered "the" voice of the idealogy.) The view of Palin across the right is as varied as the scorn towards her among the left is certain. She has yet to actually prove any such real follow through with a promise made since she hit the big time. It's "look good, sound good and say the right things." I can see the attraction - the GOP is looking for a star. That she comes with the rhetoric is much appreciated - personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility, the free market, liberty at home and abroad, strong national defense...the right can appreciate anyone spouting such thoughts as they have become few and far between these days! The problem with Palin...as is the problem with Obama - they lack any record of real achievement. Obama never had anything to really hang his hat on prior to the election and Palin had scant time as Governor. Granted, one was running for President and the other Vice-President, but the similarity is there. It certainly was made enough during the election.
As a fan of Reagan, one can instantly see a difference between the former two and his history. He spent a great portion of his life talking, broadcasting and pushing the thoughts that finally brought him to the office of President. We knew what we were getting. I'd say we've spent the last three Presidents suffering under false hope and lack of ability. Hell...Bush the Elder had his issues, even having spent a lifetime in public office. As he said it, he lacked "the vision thing." Whatever one may say of Palin, good or bad, she certainly has not offered the kind of detailed thoughts towards the problems and issues of the day that a man like Reagan did or the Roosevelts before him...to an extent Kennedy, and certainly Nixon. Many did prior to Reagan, but few since. When did we give the benefit of the doubt to someone who had yet to show any real substance? Actions speak louder than words and I'm not seeing much in the way of real action these days...not good action, at least.
The right needs to get over its love affair with Palin as she is not taking them anywhere (as the left should with the cult of Obama as well.) Unless either want Obama 2: Electric Boogaloo then the view towards a winner should be pointed elsewhere. And any winner better damn well come with some skills...real skills and not just some pleasing outward appearance. Whatever Sarah Palin has yet to tell us, I am fairly certain it will add no more true substance to her argument and continue to serve up much appropriate language, a pretty face and a hope and promise for that great savior of the party and country. See...there's that damn word "hope" again. Can we get to reality please? The sooner the better. That is all.
"Obama 2" would look wicked awesome in IMAX 3-D. The untold billions of dollars that have been recklessly thrown away would just be comin' right freakin' at you!
Posted by: Keith Vandelay | Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 04:19 AM