Given that my blog has seen less activity from myself in recent days, I thought I would open up the floor to someone else that might be able to assist in adding content. Thus from time to time you may get a post from my good friend Keith Konior. He'll let you know when it is him speaking. Hopefully it adds to the blog and as stated - adds content. I'll certainly be adding stuff myself as it comes up but hopefully an added voice helps keep ye olde blog moving forward. That is all.
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After a goodish number of years, you are letting somebody else post on your site? This Konior fellow must be a person of tremendous intelligence. And damned handsome. Yeah...I am really getting that "handsome" vibe.
Posted by: Keith Vandelay | Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 02:30 AM
But certainly not as handsome as the blog's founder.
Posted by: Dr. Al Von Nostrand | Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 10:27 AM