So let us recap...Don Imus is fired for some wrongheaded statements he most assuredly meant as humor. And now they are calling for Alec Baldwin's head because he dared call his daughter a "spoiled, thoughtless little brat." The major media is now wanting to hold back the recordings of the Virginia Tech killer so they can spin the story any way they wish. And no one has anything to say about Senator Harry Reid suggesting that "the war is lost." Forget that we were supposed to wait until next month before we took a look at the success or failure of the "surge." For Harry Reid, it matters not what happens in Iraq. That's really supporting the troops, Harry. Way to go. I'm sure the enemy doesn't take any stock of your words either...none...wouldn't hear of it. Because of course, they would never think about "spin" as you do, right?
What we have here, folks, is the idiocracy of our country. What we care about are small little issues. What harm does it do to talk and talk and talk about those for days upon end? But we cannot discuss the reality of the situation both in Iraq and against Islamic terrorists because it's all a bill of goods sold on a lie, don't you know? And the media would rather focus on the nasty words a parent says to his child (which, of course, never happens...right?) or how Don Imus is a jackass (yet again) or how we should look again at gun laws in the wake of the VT shooting (since it must be the ease of getting a gun that caused it all, of course) - but let us not discuss the truth in relation to our efforts against terrorists and Islamic fundamentalists. That is out of bounds because we all know it's "the wrong war at the wrong time" and there is no use trying to win it least not if you are Harry Reid.
You see, this is why I have not blogged so much these past months. These stories are all the same and the focus never changes. Never any discussion on the things that are important. But we must always find something to discuss, so the better to focus on non-issues. Those can be talked to death (while good men and women are finding true death halfway around the world.) I am angry this Friday morning, my friends. Angry at Harry Reid...angry at major media...angry at anyone who would rather focus on petty bullshit or their own selfish issues than what truly matters, both to us and those that follow us in this world. Thank God for baseball where these things don't happen...oh wait...there's that whole Barry Bonds thing...Crap! That is all.
This is, hands down, the best-written blog entry in the history of your site...
Posted by: Keith Konior | Friday, April 20, 2007 at 01:00 PM
I've been thinking very much the same thing. Fiddling while Rome burns...
Posted by: Lewis Maskell | Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 02:25 PM