Ever since I started this blog, I had hoped to start including my poetry that is back-logged for quite a few years now (to 1987 or some such.) Of the many that I have written, quite a few fall in the realm of love - unrequited, falling into, falling out of or simply being in love. For that reason, I have wanted to publish a book of poetry on that subject, calling it Seasons and dividing the chapters into a season of the year, each representing a stage in that thing we know as love. Spring is falling in love, Summer is being in love, Fall is falling out of love (natch) and Winter is that terrible ogre we recognize as unrequited love.
However, my talent for writing poetry has tailed off in the past year or so, and that is if I ever had any talent to begin with. My style is unique to me, but it is most likely not considered "proper" or some such. That never bothered me. What I always wanted to acheive was getting my feelings out on the page, and in the process perhaps do so in a literary fashion. Words mean quite a lot, and depending on how they are placed, can have even more meaning.
Finally, I have decided to share with my readers, all two and a half of them. It's the closest I am going to get to publishing them in the near future. And perhaps while doing this, I might get some critical feedback to let me know how to either correct possible mistakes in what I have already written, or improve on my ability for future work.
Much of my deciding to place these here was brought on by an incident that occured last night. I won't delve into the subject, but suffice it to say, I figured it was about time. Thus, you get two today - Memory of Me, obviously about a break up, and Springtime, the one that represents that season the best. And no, they are not about the same woman...thankfully (I think.)
I would love to hear some critical feedback if the mood strikes you. I may or may not add commentary to these posts. I have not decided yet. For the moment, I am content to allow them to stand on their own. I will add a link section to the left so that it will catch subsequent postings on this. And that's about it. As I said, I hope you enjoy. That is all.
Thank you for sharing. I may have some thoughts in the future.
Posted by: stnylan | Friday, March 17, 2006 at 05:22 PM