It hurts that you could live without me.
That you could kiss another man
And not think of me.
That you could hear a song
And not sing to me.
That my absence
Should seem so natural.
For this pain, I do not long;
For too long a time,
You have been away from me...
Without missing me.
Not seeing me in your mirror.
Not kissing me in your dreams.
You do not try to forget me,
Because I am gone,
No longer in your heart.
For what made you fall in love with me
Is gone at your request,
And now your memory of me
Is deceased.
But the things I did for you,
And the love I gave you,
And the blood that I spilled for you,
And the mind that I lost for you.
I opened up,
I let you in,
I invited you for walks,
I played my thoughts to you,
I followed you blindly,
Around any corner.
I offered to share my life and passion with you,
And you took it,
And you loved it.
Aphrodite and Hephaestus,
The virgin goddess and the lame god,
Yet not so celestial
Nor so dumb.
We shared existence,
We taught each other
What it meant to love.
How quickly these things come to me.
How could it be so easy to you,
That you could forget
These memories of me
That I find so hard
To forget
About you?
Written by L. Allen Hurd, Jr. in August 1995
That is all.