I've just watched a terribly charming movie about the most exquisitely charming woman - Drew Barrymore. The movie is the documentary My Date With Drew by Jon Gunn, Brett Winn and Brian Herzlinger. The premise is simple - Brian has had a crush on Drew Barrymore since he was a child and wants a date. He has just won $1,100 on a gameshow and buys a camera that he will return in 30 days. In that time, he hopes to actually get said date. This film documents that journey.
I cannot deny that I followed closely for a few tips, if anything. I've been in love with Drew Barrymore myself for as long as I can remember. E.T. was the first film that I recall her from and from that point on, I was hooked. And I'm only two years older than she is for all you perverts out there ready to say "way to go."
I cannot get too deeply into the film for if I did, it would ruin the ending, but I can tell you that the entire experience that Brian goes through hooks you completely. I wanted him to succeed, if anything just to see some one-on-one time with the beautiful Drew.
In many ways, this review may end up being more about my own infatuation with the woman. She has that certain something - a free spirit and savvy woman mixed together that you see in her smile every time she shows it. Her face is angelic and her voice, with just a touch of rasp, draws you in, especially as you hear the beautiful words that she always seems to come up with. It is easy to think that this man's efforts would appear to be from the stalker's vantage point. But Herzlinger comes at it from an honest angle. He never tries to go too far with the project, always recognizing how he will come across. In fact, one scene in particular shows this wonderfully.
Returning to my own vantage point, I enjoyed the film as if I were living it vicariously. To see a guy that by the looks of him would have no chance with Drew still going after that date is an inspiration. You follow every moment hoping that it will work out. When it doesn't, you feel his pain. And when it does (those few times it begins to look so) you get almost as excited as he is. It's simply fun and joyful, something that Drew would appreciate entirely. In fact, I hope she has seen the film. And from what little I know of her, I firmly believe she has.
It is worth every bit of the four or so dollars you would need to rent it. If anything, the various shots of Drew are worth it. But mostly worth it is seeing a man live out a dream, successfully or not. He is working towards a goal with precious little time in which to do it in. The race, for lack of a better term, is an exciting one. And the payoff, infinitely worth it. Make sure to see the extended scenes in the special features portion of your DVD. That, if anything, is worth the rental price.
I'll simply end this review with a plea...Drew, if you perchance read this, I'd love to go on a date too. Any chance? That is all.