Revenge of the Sith is currently sitting at 92% over at Rotten Tomatoes so it seems the critics are liking it, which is more than I can say for John Podhoretz at NRO's The Corner. Even the guys over at are getting into the act posting four separate reviews, each rather different in their reaction, but none as glowing as the number from Rotten Tomatoes might suggest. And as ever, be careful reading them if you don't want to read spoilers, because they are in there in spades. Now, if all these lucky punks could stop getting the chance to see this movie before me. Still waiting for next week when it actually comes out. I plan on bringing John Bolton with me to clear out the lines so I can get my ticket without issue. That is all.
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Well I am going in with expectations deliberately depressed. That way I always figure I am more likely to get pleasantly surprised.
Posted by: Lewis Maskell | Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 06:20 PM