This story is just high-larious! Apparently the US soldier that was supposedly kidnapped this week is actually a G.I. Joe doll. The Command Post has the timeline (hat-tip to Baseball Crank.) Damn that evil Cobra Commander!!
Heh. This is how bad it has become for these moronic terrorists. And for it to fall right after their obvious failure to alter the elections in Iraq over the weekend...I'll just say this - certainly not a reason to stop fighting this war and fighting it hard, but a reason to feel good about the results so far.
Update - This just in, Powerline has just received word that other hostages have been taken. What has the world come to? Heh. That is all.
In the words of Cobra Commander...
"Lies! Lies! Lies! It's just a bunch of conjured up fantasies!!"
Posted by: Keiper | Wednesday, February 02, 2005 at 01:00 PM