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Thursday, February 24, 2005



That's pretty funny, actually. Don't know if it's intentionally funny or not, but I'll probably know afterward.

Whoopi Goldberg...God. I hated her when she hosted the Oscars. The second time she was more tame, but the first...dear Lord. The whole night was just:

Whoopi: [insert poor joke]
Audience: *chuckles mildly*
Whoopi: *laughs to herself*
Audience: *chuckles mildly*
Whoopi: [insert an improv joke that isn't even funny, followed by Whoopi laughing at her own bad joke]
Audience: *chuckles mildly*


"Interesting footnote here: Time was apparently prepared to name Gibson and Moore the Men of the Year, until it was nixed by Gibson - who wouldn’t sit for the joint inverview with Moore"

My opinion of Mel Gibson just went through the roof 8)

Apparently Moore claimed Gibson was accused of no more White House invitations if his film financed "Farenheit 9/11." But as Gibson's publicist says...

" the last 10 years Mel Gibson hasn't accepted any invitations from the White House, so why would he be concerned NOW about not getting one?"

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