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Wednesday, November 03, 2004



I think this Cox and Forkum cartoon answers your question on the 48%:

People who voted for Kerry weren't thinking 9/11 and they weren't thinking terrorists, they were thinking "Boy I sure hate Bush." We also have to consider there are some Democrats who will always vote party line. There are of course Republicans like that too, and they are just as bad.

My respect for Kerry has gone up thanks to this. Granted I doubt I would have seen him carrying it on like Gore did, and it looks like Bush won Ohio any way. Now Bush won majority electorate and popular votes (just over three million!), any one who says he's not a legal president can go back to their parents' basement now.

Overall, I'd say this was a "fun" election... :)

James Sampson

Perhaps the John Kerry supporters were tired of the lies about WMDs, the tax cuts for the rich, the anti-gay and anti-rights legislature (Patriot act, constitutional ammendments, etc). Perhaps they saw that another four years of the Bush administration would mean conservative judges, more world hatred of America, and a massive debt for our children.

Didn't you notice that the two areas actually affected by terrorism, New York and DC, voted against Bush? Maybe you need to stop being blinded by propaganda.

Al Hurd

I did notice that, James. And further noted that the vote in NY was much closer than it was in 2000. I think there is a reason for this. As for propaganda, I guess I should ask, who is blinded? The one who has explained time and time again what I was wondering about in terms of the American people forgetting what happened on 9/11 or the one that lists the Democrat talking points above to somehow answer the question in my post?


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