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Thursday, September 23, 2004



There is never going to be another draft unless all hell breaks loose. The military wants a volunteer army, because then the men fighting our wars WANT to fight them.

Lewis Maskell

Agreed. If we ever have to resort to something like conscription in this war it'll be because we will be down and trying very hard to not be out.

It's a nonsensical charge. It's not even decent scaremongering. And now that he's attacking Allawi I think Kerry has leaped into some la-la land. Before this week I thought a Kerry Presidency would be, well, bad but part of the swings and roundabouts of democracies. Now for the first time I think the prospect of Kerry as president is starting to scare me.

Al Hurd

To be serious, I think we may in fact require a draft at some point, depending on world events. I firmly agree with the theory that an all volunteer armed forces is far better than any other form, and there is no doubt that it forms much of what we consider "the American tradition." But if Iran persists in challanging the West, and North Korea gets even bolder than they already are, we will simply be over extended.

Yes, we could (and should) move our troops out of Europe, but there is simply no way to fight a War with Iran while also having our troops pacifying Iraq and maintaining the peace in Afghanistan.

World War II had a draft, as did Vietnam (which would have worked far better if we had done so much sooner and comitted). But I agree that it would only be under dire circumstances. Unfortunately, I fear that we are closing in on such a situation. I am disheartened not to hear either candidate's position on Iran. And as I have stated before, the likelihood of a revolution within is becoming increasingly less likely.

If that remains to be the case, I see few other alternatives to combating such a regime than beefing up our already considerable armed forces and taking the war to them before they have a chance to do so with us. What bothers me about Kerry's position on this matter (as with so many others) is his eagerness to throw out the charge with absolutely zero proof to back it up. Were he to make an argument with some honesty as to why we do not need one and still remain able to fight our current war, it would be defensible. As it is now, it is simply scare tactics. And I am afraid Lewis is right - a bad tactic at that.

I am still not convinced a Kerry Presidency would doom the U.S. to utter chaos, but I fear that his inability to maintain any theme with coherency over time will only embolden our enemies to strike. Of course, the argument has been made that perhaps they too would be too confused to take action with any sense of certainty - but I digress.

Al Hurd


We would probably have to pacify Afghanistan and Iraq first before moving into Iran. Afghanistan seems to be settling down to a better condition, I'm not sure on Iraq, depends how the Iraqi government can maintain itself. But both these nations taken care of means we have two bases of operations against Iran - which is precisely why Iran doesn't like us in Afghanistan or Iraq.

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