I have been alternately for and against this idea at different times. At the moment, I do not think it would work and might introduce a whole new set of problems for the region, but the article by Carroll Andrew Morse does a great job discussing some of the reasons why it might be a good idea. Now, I do not agree with everything stated, but some very good points are made, especially this,
Unless they freely choose to do so, people with wildly different visions of ideal governance should not be forced to work together because of eighty-year old map lines hastily drawn by colonial interlopers. The American coalition and the wider international community should give the people of Iraq an opportunity to build civil societies under the conditions where there is a fighting chance for success. A single state solution is not necessary for a peaceful and prosperous future for the people of post-Hussein Iraq. Democratic processes provide no guarantee that the people of Iraq will avoid bad choices, but they can be structured so that the poor choices of some do not scar the futures of all.
It's worth reading just to think about how to really achieve what needs to happen in this country and the region as a whole. That is all.