The French proposal also calls for the voluntary departure of President Aristide as part of a settlement. Mr. Aristide, who became Haiti's first elected president in 1990, has said he will not step down until his second term runs out, in 2006.
But France, which surrendered its colonial power in Haiti two centuries ago but left a strong cultural imprint, now contends that the Aristide government has lost its legitimacy and should be replaced.
"The regime has reached an impasse and has already shaken off constitutional legality," Mr. de Villepin said.
And the caption of this article is France Seeks U.N. Force in Haiti. So let me get this straight...Aristide can be replaced by force because he is not legitimate, but not Saddam? I'm I the only one that sees something missing in their thinking here? John J. Miller, in The Corner, puts it this way:
So the French think Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide has lost "constitutional legality" and should experience a regime change. Apparently he's a worse monster and bigger threat than Saddam Hussein.
What will they do next? That is all.