Apparently some nimrod thinks we all should boycott the film Cold Mountain because it is set during the Civil War yet does not address the issue of slavery. Never mind that the film is about a love story between two people that happens to take place during that time period and not really a movie about the war itself, apparently that's not good enough.
Look, I have not seen the film yet, so I cannot really discuss the merits, and I don't want to get into the discussion of why the war was fought (though I'm sure that I would at least start getting more comments) but this guy is a joke. Are there some things in this country that don't revolve around race? Is that possible? Please tell me how we, as a country, will ever be able to live up to Martin Luther Kings dream of judging people, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character if we cannot begin to look at things outside of the paradigm of skin color?
That's my rant for Tuesday morning. That is all.