Daniel Drezner has his typically good round-up of the news concerning the Plame situation. He says his level of outrage is rising. I'll admit, when this thing hit the news services, I was a bit irritated. I've just had enough of scandal surrounding the White House, regardless of who's in it. But I find it rather cheap that everyone expects information to pour forth when any scandal takes time to develop. I don't recall any of the stuff that went down in the Clinton administration being quickly resolved. And now people want to start screaming Watergate/Impeachment as soon as the words Executive Privilege show up? There is an actual purpose for this, you know? Some information coming out of the White House does not need to be passed around by people who are not on a need to know basis. Sure, I would like to see this taken care of, if for anything to move on with the war on terror and the upcoming election. But you know, just like everything else, this is part of the upcoming election. Anything to make Bush look bad - that's the game. Does it matter what really happened? Never - let's spin it so it looks bad for Bush. Did the President ever use the words "imminent threat" to describe the reason for going to war? Only to say that we cannot wait for that, that we must act now. Don't tell that to the opposing side. They want you to know that he did say imminent threat and he lied about it because there was none. Just like there was no connection between 9/11 and Saddam (which is exactly what the administration has said all along) - but to the left...another lie. They say, well - you did it then, why should we not do it now? Because it makes you hypocrites. You cannot denounce the politics of personal destruction and then resort to it when things don't go your way. And I think the general public is starting to catch on to that. If you look at the results of the recall in California, you will notice the last minute attacks did nothing to hurt Arnold. We have serious, world-changing issues taking place around the world. If we continue to focus on who said what to who and how to pay for so and so when they are old, sick, out of work, drunk, etc. then eventually we might never have to worry about any of that again. We'll all be dead. That is all.
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