This can't be good news to Dems. William Safire sees this as a positive. However, Daniel Gross isn't as impressed. Much of this is frankly over my head, but I must admit that I have never felt the economy to be as bad as many say. People are still spending money on things that they would not if it was truly bad. As my father suggests, look at sporting events. Do you think people would be shelling out money like that if it was truly depression time? Don't think so. There is still time for all of the above figures to change, so it will be spun and re-spun many times prior to the 2004 election, but in the end I think things look just fine. Let's wait until after the holiday season to see how bad things seem. I imagine that would be a true test of how down on their luck and jobless many seem to think we all are.
Update - I think this comment by Andrew Sullivan is spot on (see the Bush Boom post). That is all.