Everyone seems to have an idea about whether or not Hillary Clinton will run for President in 2004, forgetting of course her promise to serve her full six year term in the Senate and her constant remarks that she is absolutely not running. Chatterbox, over at Slate seems to think she's being drafted and not by the usual suspects, but by the vast right-wing conspiracy. He takes two days to make the argument, Day 1 and Day 2. Now I think he stretches a bit but his first reason does have validity (Nice to see that someone remembers Clinton-Hating, even if they don't believe in Bush-Hating). Further, he seems to discount the many "Draft Hillary" sentiments recently removed from Hillary's own website - maybe just more conspirators.
Recently, however; the idea has sprung up that it's not the Presidency she seeks, (if she is seeking anything at all), but the Vice-Presidency. Now that's a high aspiration. Ben Shapiro makes a good point that I had not thought of until now in his Townhall column.
Truthfully, I think way too many people are thinking about this a bit too much. Look, we know the Clintons are forever thinking about themselves and their place in history so of course they are trying to come up with some plan to regain the White House. Hell, if Bill had his way he'd change the Constitution to get that third term. But frankly, I don't think it will ever happen. I just don't think enough people in this country would vote for her - she is simply too polarizing. If you think the air is bad in Washington now, wait until she throws her hat in, especially against everyone's favorite Hitler, George W.
When it comes down to it, folks ought to start looking at where the real power is in Washington and stop focusing on the beauty pageant that is the Presidential race. Granted, our Chief Executive has a big job and he seems to be doing a pretty good job of it considering we have not had a terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11. Instead, the Saddamites and Bin-Ladinists are running for cover and hiding under any rock they can waiting for the next time the lights go off so they can send anouther suicider into a hospital or office building in Iraq. No, the real power lies in the Congress, and possibly the courts with the way they seem to be making new rights these days. We need to start focusing on how we can limit their pork spending and campaigning for life attitutes. Maybe then we can make some real changes with the way Washington works. Maybe then we can start focusing on what really matters instead of pandering to special interest groups, be they right or left. Ah well, this has turned into another rant. That is all.